Services provided by some of the best dentists in the 95825 area

Patients in the 95825 zip code who are seeking the assistance of one of the best dentists in the area can speak with Drs. Kosta J. Adams and Kristen J. Adams of the Sacramento, CA area. Our team is dedicated to helping patients achieve healthier, more beautiful smiles using cosmetic and general dentistry complete with personalized treatment plans for each individual case. We understand that everyone has unique needs and we work with patients to develop an oral health care plan best suited to their needs, desires, and budgets.


There are several services offered through our practice, including:


Dental Implants


Restoring a smile after tooth loss can be done with the assistance of dental implants. Implants are titanium posts that our dentists surgically place into the jawbone and restore with a crown or denture over the top for improved aesthetics and functionality.




Dental crowns are made of porcelain and are fabricated for the protection and coverage of natural teeth.


Dental Bridges


For patients who want a fixed restoration after tooth loss but who are not good candidates for dental implants, dental bridges may be the best alternative. These are bonded into place with crowns and false teeth for optimum results.




Our practice also helps patients who are dealing with malocclusion. We provide orthodontic services to assist those struggling with misalignment, problematic bites, and overcrowding.


Dental Bonding


Bonding is a material that is made of composite resin and is used to cover and restore areas of breakage, staining, or other imperfections of the natural teeth.


Porcelain Veneers Veneers are a long-lasting alternative to dental bonding. These thin porcelain shells bond over the front of teeth to disguise many aesthetic concerns.

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Sealants and Fluoride


When patients are at a higher risk of cavities and periodontal disease, the application of sealants and fluoride may assist in maintaining a healthier smile.


Teeth Whitening


Our in-office Zoom! teeth whitening service far surpasses the results achieved with over-the-counter bleaching products and can rejuvenate and enhance an otherwise dull, discolored smile safely and effectively. Patients can experience the lightening of tooth enamel up to eight shades in just one visit with Drs. Kosta J. Adams and Kristen J. Adams.

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Why Sacramento area patients often request tooth colored fillings

Dental caries, or cavities, can affect anyone. This is the deterioration of the natural tooth enamel which can cause pain and discomfort if it reaches deep enough into the tooth and infects the dental pulp inside. Cavities can be large or small but will always require treatment. Drs. Kosta J. Adams and Kristen J. Adams of Sacramento will typically use tooth-colored fillings in situations where cavities occur.
Tooth-colored fillings are made of composite resin bonding that matches the shade of natural teeth. This is done to make the areas of decay repaired much less noticeable than they are with gold or silver amalgam fillings of the past. Also, composite bonding is more desirable than silver amalgam fillings due to the concern of mercury toxicity, appearance, and the fact that it does not contract and expand in the same way metals do. Composite tooth colored fillings also require less removal of the natural tooth structure and can help maintain the integrity of the tooth over time—even when decay occurs.


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Many Sacramento area patients will request composite bonding fillings because they are the same color as their natural teeth and are extremely discreet in appearance. Not everyone wants others to know they’ve had dental work done, and when patients with silver amalgam or metal fillings smile, talk, or laugh, this may be noticeable. With tooth colored fillings, no one but you and your dentist needs to know that you’ve had your tooth repaired due to decay. This can also improve the confidence patients need to take good care of their smile and avoid the progression of other problems down the road such as decay or disease.
Drs. Kosta J. Adams and Kristen J. Adams work with new and existing patients in their state-of-the-art facility to provide the dental services necessary to achieve and maintain dental health and beauty. They have a wide selection of services that are used to assist others in attaining the healthy, beautiful smile patients have always wanted. Contact their team today to schedule an appointment and learn more about tooth colored fillings, restorative treatments, and preventative care.

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Sacramento area dentist describes porcelain fillings

When there are areas of decay within the smile, Sacramento area patients may visit the practice of Drs. Kosta J. Adams and Kristen J. Adams to learn about restorative options. There are several ways of repairing a tooth that has experienced dental caries which include tooth colored fillings, porcelain fillings (also known as inlays), and crowns.


Tooth colored fillings are made of a composite resin bonding that is administered into the area of decay and hardened to seal off the tooth. Crowns are porcelain restorations custom-made to cover the entire tooth, including the top and sides. But porcelain inlays work a little differently. Porcelain “fillings” use a restorative piece of porcelain made to fit into larger cavities. It is bonded in place and is a much more conservative option than conventional tooth colored fillings because it requires less tooth structure removal. Porcelain fillings, however, are better for large areas of decay and last much longer than traditional fillings in many instances.
Drs. Kosta J. Adams and Kristen J. Adams use porcelain fillings when patients have larger areas of decay which are not properly sealed off with regular filling materials. This is when they may suggest the use of inlays or even crowns if the area of decay is substantial. The initial preparation still needs to be done, including the disinfection of the inside of the tooth before administering the restorative treatment of choice.


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Porcelain is used in many dental situations. This material is extremely strong and is just as beautiful as the natural enamel. Many cosmetic treatments are done with porcelain (also known as ceramic) not only because it is attractive and aesthetic when placed in the smile, but because it is also very strong. Though any material used for dental work is susceptible to breakage, problems such as this are minor with the use of porcelain. Porcelain can always be easily replaced as well making it a popular choice for cosmetic dental treatments.


If you live in the Sacramento area and believe in conservative restorative dentistry, our comprehensive dental team is here to help. Contact Drs. Kosta J. Adams and Kristen J. Adams today to schedule an appointment and educate yourself on the many solutions available for repairing breakage, decay, and trauma of the natural tooth’s structure.

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Sacramento area dentist describes preventive dentistry

The smile is the first impression given to others. It can make or break a meeting with a complete stranger or potential client for work. This is why it is so important for patients to take good care of their smiles and connect with a dental team that understands how essential it is to maintain natural teeth and gums. While many patients feel as though cosmetic dentistry is here to help them, the real reward is with preventative care. Preventative dentistry is at the forefront of what we do in the practice of Drs. Kosta J. Adams and Kristen J. Adams.
Drs. Kosta J. Adams and Kristen J. Adams work closely with their patients to help them prevent the development of dental problems including periodontal disease and tooth decay. Both of these are common issues that can easily be addressed with proactive dental care. This is why patients are urged to care for their smiles by brushing and flossing every day while maintaining regular six-month recall appointments for examinations and cleanings. This is just one step in preventative care, as it allows patients to maintain their smiles between visits with our dental team.


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There are other steps that can be taken to keep the teeth protected. Patients can have sealants put on their teeth to reduce the likelihood of developing cavities. This can also be achieved with fluoride applications. Both can be used to maintain a healthier smile and are often used on children who may not have as good of dental health habits as an older child, teenager, or adult.
Preventative dentistry is essential for making sure patients have access to the treatments necessary for a healthier smile. Contact our team today to book an appointment with Drs. Kosta J. Adams and Kristen J. Adams to learn about preventative solutions for a more proactive approach to dental care. In addition to keeping the smile healthy, we also want patients to have a smile they can be proud of and confident with, which is why we also offer aesthetic dentistry and restorative solutions.

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Sacramento area patients can obtain painless dental treatments

Sacramento area patients who want to work with an area dentist to receive appropriate dental treatments are welcome at the practice of Drs. Kosta J. Adams and Kristen J. Adams. Our dedicated team of professionals believes that access to dental treatments should be affordable and convenient. We help patients in the community of Sacramento who want to enjoy painless, comfortable dental treatments.


Drs. Kosta J. Adams and Kristen J. Adams understand that patients young and old may experience dental anxiety. This may be due to fears of the unknown or past negative experiences in the dental office. Whatever the reason, it is important that children and adults know that we offer painless procedures.


We can achieve this with the use of local anesthetics and nitrous oxide. Local anesthetics numb the treatment area so patients don’t feel a thing while we treat their oral health conditions and improve their smiles. Additionally, anxious patients may benefit from nitrous oxide. This gas relaxes patients while their dental procedures are performed. Drs. Kosta J. Adams and Kristen J. Adams will use nitrous oxide, which is safe for both children and adults to reduce fears and calm patients who may be otherwise anxious about sitting in the dental chair.

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If you are a patient who is interested in visiting our practice but are concerned about your dental anxieties, Drs. Kosta J. Adams and Kristen J. Adams are here to help. We understand that many of our patients have fears about visiting the dentist but we want to ensure everyone has a positive experience in our practice. During your initial consultation appointment, please let us know if you have any anxieties about dental treatments and we can work with you to develop a treatment plan for painless dental work!


Painless dental treatments are here! Contact Drs. Kosta J. Adams and Kristen J. Adams to book a consultation visit, an evaluation, and take the time to ask questions about the procedures available in their practice for children and adults. We welcome new and existing patients into our facility to learn about our technologically advanced services for general, cosmetic, and restorative dentistry.

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Sacramento area dentists describe the importance of daily dental care

A beautiful smile is a healthy one. When patients in the Sacramento area take pride in their dental health, they will be rewarded with a smile that looks great and feels great. This is very important for anyone who wants to improve their personal and business relationships.


In addition, they can actually reduce their risks of other medical conditions including kidney disease, oral cancer, respiratory ailments, diabetes, and heart disease. This is because the infection that can occur in the mouth with periodontal disease can carry through the bloodstream and affect other parts of the body. Many patients are not aware of this oral-systemic connection and may be surprised to learn how important the health of their oral cavity is to the wellness of their entire body.


Dental care is easy when patients take the time every day to brush and floss. This is the best way to maintain the health of the smile. Brushing and flossing remove food particles from the surfaces of the teeth as well as between them and can remove plaque. Patients are also urged to visit their dentist at least twice a year for a cleaning and examination to make sure there are no problems developing such as cavities or periodontal disease. The earlier these issues are detected, the better.


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Taking care of the smile will reduce the likelihood of medical conditions as well as cavities and periodontal disease. Cavities can become a serious issue, and periodontal disease can result in irreversible damage to the gum tissue, bone, and even cause tooth loss. This is why regular examinations and X-rays are key to maintaining a healthy smile – and Drs. Kosta J. Adams and Kristen J. Adams can help!


Drs. Kosta J. Adams and Kristen J. Adams of Sacramento will stress the importance of dental care every day when patients come to their practice for their appointments. If you have any questions about how to care for your smile, they can help. Contact us today to book your appointment and find out more about the advantages of keeping a healthy, beautiful smile!

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Sacramento patients benefit from latest approaches in general dentistry services

While there are more than 800 general dentists in Sacramento, Alden-Arcade, and Roseville, only four dentists in Sacramento have earned Mastership in the Academy of General Dentistry. MAGD Dr. Kosta J. Adams and Dr. Kristen J. Adams further distinguish themselves with their depth of experience beautifying smiles and improving health, using many different types of general dentistry services in Sacramento.



Awarded to 2 percent of general practice dentists in the U.S. and Canada, the MAGD program requires demonstrated mastery in all 16 branches of dentistry through continuing education hours, hands-on coursework, and oral presentations to peers.


A Fellow of the International Congress of Oral Implantologists, Dr. Kosta Adams has demonstrated dental implant proficiency through successful implant procedures and continuing education.


A graduate of the University of the Pacific Arthur A. Dugoni School of Dentistry, Dr. Kristen Adams is always broadening her knowledge of restorative, periodontal, cosmetic, and implant dentistry through continuing education.


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Comprehensive Services

  • Preventive — During check-ups tailored to your needs, the dental team will examine the inside of your mouth for abnormalities that might indicate oral cancer, such as red and white patches and sores. Interventions to prevent the onset or progression of the disease, decay, and enamel erosion include sealants, flourides, and customized mouth guards.
  • Restorations — Drs. Kosta and Kristen Adams offer porcelain fillings as a metal-free alternative to silver amalgam. They recommend crowns made from the highest quality dental materials, and dental-implant-supported crowns and dentures represent modern tooth replacement.
  • Cosmetic — Porcelain veneers and bonding close gaps, cover discoloration, correct chips, and cracks, and reshape and resize teeth. A brighter smile may be yours in as little as an hour or gradually with office or take-home whitening.


Experience firsthand these and other services, including orthodontic treatment and snoring and sleep apnea relief. Schedule an appointment. Call (916) 999-1302.

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Sacramento, CA dental practice offers tips for post-operative care following tooth extractions

Maintaining the health of your natural teeth is your dentist’s goal. Unfortunately, trauma, decay, and problems occur that can lead to the need for tooth extractions. Dental extractions help maintain the overall health of the mouth by removing damaged or infected teeth to keep them from causing additional issues. In Sacramento, CA, Dr. Kosta Adams and Dr. Kristen Adams perform tooth extractions, when necessary, as part of general dentistry care.


There are times when extractions are the best option. Extractions are performed when necessary to maintain the health of the teeth, gums, and oral cavity. Many cases can be performed by our dentists, so you have the comfort of seeing a familiar face. The most common reasons for extractions include:


  • Wisdom teeth
  • Badly decayed or infected teeth
  • A tooth that is broken below the gumline
  • A failed root canal


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Dental extractions post-operative care

After your extractions, you will be given post-operative instructions. For the first 24 hours, it is important to care for the area gently to avoid dislodging the clot or disturbing the site. It is important to keep your mouth clean to avoid the spread of bacteria and to prevent an infection. Some after-care tips include:


  • Take painkillers as prescribed by your dentist.
  • Bite down on gauze to slow bleeding and help a clot form at the extraction site.
  • Apply ice to your face to minimize swelling.
  • Rest and limit activity following the procedure.
  • Do not rinse or spit forcefully for 72 hours to avoid dislodging the clot.
  • Do not drink using a straw for at least 72 hours.
  • Eat soft foods at first. As the area heals, slowly add in solid foods.
  • Keep your head propped up when lying down.
  • Brush and floss your teeth as normal but avoid the extraction site.


The team at Adams Dental Associates strives to maintain the health and beauty of your smile. Schedule your appointment today. Call (916) 999-1302.

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Sacramento, CA Dentist offers comprehensive general & family dental care services

Adams Dental Associates is a family dental practice in Sacramento, CA that provides general dental care services for patients of all ages. Our team is committed to building a long-lasting relationship with you and your family. We offer comprehensive services from various fields of dentistry, utilize state-of-the-art equipment, and provide all our services in a comfortable, relaxing environment. It’s our mission to provide our patients with the best general dental care services in Sacramento, CA.


What are general dental care services?

Think of a general dentist as your primary care physician for your oral health. Chances are, you may see your general dentist more than any of your other health care providers. The focus of general dentistry is the prevention of disease. General dental care services tend to center around oral health and hygiene and may include the diagnosis and treatment of common oral health concerns as well preventative services.


Common general dental care services

As a family dental care practice in Sacramento, CA, Adams Dental Associates provides a full range of services that are focused on maintaining good oral health and total wellness. Here’s a breakdown of some of our services:


Preventative Services – Our preventative dental care services are designed to help you maintain good oral health and prevent the spread of disease in your mouth. Routine exams and cleanings are a vital part of preventative services. During regular exams you can expect professional teeth cleaning that will remove plaque and tartar buildup from the teeth. Diagnostic images such as x-rays are also taken to see inside the teeth and below the gumline. During a general exam, the dentist or hygienist will often give you tips for improving at-home oral hygiene if necessary. If you have any concerns such as tooth grinding or sports injuries, a custom-made mouthguard may be recommended.


Restorative Services – If we do discover a problem during one of your regular exams, we will provide swift treatment options to restore oral health. Cavity fillings are perhaps the most common dental restoration we offer, but it’s not the only one. If you experience injuries such as a cracked or broken tooth, we offer treatment for dental trauma. Gum disease is another condition that we frequently diagnose and treat. Additionally, we can help with restorative treatments for missing teeth such as dental bridges, dentures, or implants.


Cosmetic Dentistry – Another component of our general dental care services includes treatments that enhance the appearance of your smile. If you are looking for a brighter, whiter smile, options such as teeth whitening, porcelain veneers, or dental bonding are offered.


Additional Services – At Adams Dental Associates, we offer additional services such as custom oral appliances for treating sleep apnea and TMJ and Invisalign orthodontics to correct misalignment.

General Dental Care that is focused on your total wellness

Your oral health is closely linked with your overall health. In fact, many oral health concerns can increase the risk of issues in other areas of the body, and vice versa. One example is gum disease. Untreated infections associated with gum disease can increase the risk of heart disease, pre-term labor in pregnant women, and difficulty managing diabetes. Dr. Adams is experienced in identifying these health concerns and offering treatment when appropriate.


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The importance of routine dental care

When it comes to your oral health, being proactive goes a long way. You should be visiting the dentist every six months for routine preventative services in order to keep your teeth and gums healthy. In addition to that, you should always make an appointment if you are experiencing pain, injury, or have other concerns about your oral health.


In addition to regular exams, it’s important for patients to practice good at-home oral hygiene. This includes brushing at least twice each day, flossing once each day, and using an antimicrobial mouthwash. Good lifestyle habits such as quitting smoking and eating a healthy diet can also help you keep your mouth (and your body) healthy.


Call Adams Dental Associates in Sacramento, CA today to schedule an appointment

If you are looking for a family dental practice that provides comprehensive general dental care services, look no further. Call our office today at (916) 999-1302 to book an appointment.

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General Dental Services and care in Sacramento, CA

If you have been searching for general dental care for the whole family in Sacramento, CA, then you have arrived at the right place. At Adams Dental Associates, we provide high-quality, compassionate dental care that focuses not only on your oral health but your total wellness. With a comprehensive array of services, we can handle a wide range of needs. Whether you are new to the area or have not been to the dentist in several years, we will ensure that your experience with us is positive. In our office, we utilize state-of-the-art technology and materials to provide you with the best care possible.

General Dental Services in Sacramento, CA

General Exams and Cleanings – Practicing good oral hygiene and maintaining routine dental exams are the best way to keep your teeth healthy. During these exams, we monitor the health of the mouth, look for any early signs of decay or disease, and perform a thorough professional cleaning to eliminate any plaque build-up.

White Fillings – Cavities happen, and when they do, having a filling shouldn’t impact the appearance of your smile. Tooth-colored fillings are a beautiful, natural-looking way to restore structure and function to the tooth.

Dental Crowns – There are several reasons we may need to place a crown. One of the most common is when there is a cavity too large for a traditional filling. Crowns can also be used to repair broken teeth, anchor a dental bridge, or to complete a dental implant.

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Root Canal Therapy – If a tooth has decay that is left untreated, it can eventually infect the pulp chamber of the tooth, which usually ends up causing a toothache and increase sensitivity. At this point, root canal therapy is the only way we can prevent extraction. During root canals, we remove the infected material and still save the natural tooth structure.

Sealants and Fluoride – Sealants and fluoride are two important treatments for the prevention of decay. By sealing the grooves of the molars that are hard to clean, we can prevent plaque build-up. Fluoride helps with remineralizing the teeth which can reduce the instances of decay.

To schedule your appointment with Adams Dental Associates in Sacramento, CA, call us at (916) 999-1302.

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